Friday, 2 January 2009

Yo Ho Ho and a Packet of Buns...

Avast ye cakies!

Captain Pudding reporting for duty, hope this battenburg's ship-shape and ready to sail...

So, what's this all about then?

Well, this blog came about for several reasons. It was suggested by a friend that I get a website, but I haven't got the first clue how to do that, so I thought I'd start out with a blog as it seemed a much simpler idea. Also, partly because I did a project on Curiosity Cabinets at uni and discovered a very definate link between blogs and the wunderkrammer of Reanissance Europe; much like today's blogs they were for collecting and understanding universal knoweldge (but that's ablog for another time). Another reason is that my lecturer tells us frequently that there are 10 designers for each job and only one in 3 of us will become designers (or some such statistic) and that students who blog tend to get better marks. I would rather like to pass my course and, hey, anything that helps, right? Plus: as found here: . I'm also quite opinionated and rather nosy on a variety of subjects and I'd quite like to discuss some of them (if anyone ever actually reads this thing).

What's this actually going to be used for though?

A sort of online curiosity cabinet full of cool objects, articles, websites, blogs, stuff, etc. wot I have found or written about. Useful links. Probably design issues. A bit of fashion no doubt (I am a textiles student after all) because I love clothes, shoes and am an accessories fiend. Maybe a bit of my artwork. Con reports, possibly: I'm a massive geek and there's not much to be done about it. The occasional movie/tv show review. A bit about books/comics/manga I've been reading. Adventure and travel reports. Stuff about comedy I'm into, some music and theatre. And probably a lot more besides.

Why Cake Pirates?

Why not? It combines two of my favourite things, cake and pirates. Plus, it's fun and there's increasingly fewer and fewer original titles for things out there.

What's a Cake Pirate when it's at home?

Well, a lot of things. Generally a cake pirate is interested in the world at large, ethical and ecological issues like recycling, a bit of politics on occasion (though they despair of the stupidity of government), a bit of everything. They like to make things or have adventures. Probably baking or confectionary plays a big role; it is doubtful that they'll ever be a size 0 and wouldn't want to be anyway. They aren't particularly interested in the world of celebrity unless it is deserved and really don't like Big Brother or the Beckhams and wish they would just go away. Vintage is a must; a cake pirate is probably part womble and loves charity shops a rediculous amount... they may or may not have difficulty not purchasing 500kg hippy bundles of clothing...

How can I become one?

Just be yourself, try your best to recycle and don't be a sheep. Do your own thing rather than following the crowed and all that hackneyed nonsense. Have as many adventures as possible and try not to get yourself in too much trouble.

Who be ye anyhow?

Part textiles student, part cosplayer, part glam-rock-space-pirate, part chipmunk princess, part octopus bicycle. Cake Pirate Pudding is somewhat eccentric, has rather ecclectic tastes and a slighty perculiar sense of style (a rather odd mixture of tweed, sequins and men's shirts). David Bowie is pretty much my favourite star/style icon. Bassically I'm a massive geek who eventually hopes to become a theatrical costume designer.

Any last words before ye walk the plank?

I appologise in advance for all the spelling and grammatical errors that doubtless will occur throughout the life of this blog. I'm aware that I can't type, but I insist on trying anyway. Also, I shall think of something inspirational to say later, but now I must dance!